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If you want to know what is a marine component, you must first understand what is a component

Date of issue:2016-12-22 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

If you want to know what is a marine component, you must first understand what is a component

Generally speaking, automobile parts refer to all parts and components except the automobile frame. The frame can also be regarded as a component, but it is not the same concept as the parts. Where, part refers to a single component that cannot be split; An assembly is a combination of parts that implement an action (or function). An assembly can be a part or an assembly of multiple parts. In this assembly, one part is the main part, which realizes the established action (or function), and the other parts only play auxiliary roles such as connection, fastening and guidance. As each car needs about 10000 auto parts, and these parts involve different industries and fields, there is a big gap in technical standards, production methods and so on. At present, the country still lacks unified legal norms and relevant policies for the auto parts manufacturing industry. The policies related to the auto parts manufacturing industry are mainly distributed in the national policies of its related industries.

Dalian marine parts assembly process specification is the main technical document to guide assembly production, and the formulation of assembly process specification is one of the main contents of production technology preparation. Assembly process specification has an important impact on ensuring assembly quality, improving assembly production efficiency, shortening assembly cycle, reducing labor intensity, reducing assembly floor area and reducing production cost. It depends on the rationality of the formulation of the assembly process specification, which is the purpose of the formulation of the assembly process specification. Dividing products into assembly units such as kits, components and parts is the most important step in formulating assembly process specification. Any assembly unit must select a part or an assembly unit lower than it as the assembly datum. The assembly benchmark shall be the base or main parts and components of the product, with large volume and weight, sufficient supporting surface and more common joint surfaces. After the assembly units are divided and the assembly benchmark parts are determined, the assembly sequence can be arranged and expressed in the form of assembly unit system diagram. Specifically, it is carried out according to the principle of "difficult before easy", "inside before outside", "bottom before top", and "pre-treatment" first

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