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What are the advantages of using aluminum alloy as motor shell

Date of issue:2018-12-07 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

Aluminum alloy used as motor shell has better heat dissipation function than other materials. The motor will produce a certain temperature during operation, and the motor shell made of aluminum alloy will keep the temperature within a specific range after continuous operation for many hours. We know that the thermal solubility of aluminum is relatively large. Based on the characteristics of such materials, at present, the reducer motor manufacturers in the market all use the housing of aluminum housing motor, and it is also recommended that users use aluminum housing motor, although the price is slightly higher than that of ordinary motor.

The operating environment of vibrating motor is usually very bad. At this time, affected by various factors, the vibrating motor may cause the shell to be charged. We have summarized several factors and solutions that cause the leakage of vibrating motor, so as to facilitate customers to deal with similar situations in a timely and correct manner: the wiring board is seriously dirty. Solution: replace the terminal block or clean the terminal block. The insulation of outgoing line is aged and damaged. Solution: directly replace the outgoing line or re wrap the outgoing line with insulating tape.

Dalian motor shell has good plasticity. Due to the special physical properties of aluminum alloy, the ductility and plasticity of products are much better than those of steel. Aluminum shell motor has the advantages of light weight, small vibration and low noise. It also has the characteristics of waterproof, dustproof and corrosion prevention. It is energy-saving, high-performance, high efficiency and long service life. It is a unique new product of ordinary motor and environmental protection type.

Characteristics of ordinary motor and aluminum shell motor: as the core component of the production line, the motor plays a vital role in the production process. In the whole life cycle of the motor, the purchase price accounts for 2% of the total cost of the motor, the maintenance cost accounts for 0.7% of the total cost, and the energy consumption cost accounts for 97.3%. Therefore, it is of great significance to adopt energy-efficient motors, which can not only improve productivity and reduce motor life cycle cost, but also reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

When the megger is normal, measure the interphase resistance: connect the terminal buttons L and e of the megger to the terminals of any two phases respectively, and shake the megger slowly. For normal motors, the interphase resistance should be around 0, and the resistance of any two phases should be close.

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