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Do Dalian castings have any requirements for stiffness

Date of issue:2019-08-09 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

Dalian casting, the residual small sand particles in the mold rush into the mold cavity with molten iron. During mold closing, sand particles fall off due to extrusion between molds or between molds and sand cores. Poor performance of casting sand (e.g. low moisture and low strength) is easy to cause sand washing if water is injected too quickly in the scheme design. Main cause: the sand in the mold cavity is not clean. Sand particles are intruded from open places such as sprue or riser before pouring. The sand mold is not strong enough and falls off due to external force. The casting is discontinuous or the casting speed is too slow, so the sand particles in the mold cavity can not float to the riser smoothly, but stay in the place with low temperature. At present, Leeb hardness tester is widely used in hardness testing of castings.

Leeb hardness tester is an improvement of shore hardness tester. It is also based on the principle of dynamic hardness test, and uses computer technology to realize the miniaturization and electronization of the hardness tester. It is simple and convenient to use, and the test results can be easily converted into Brinell hardness number, so it is widely welcomed. In recent years, the state has paid special attention to the environment and energy consumption. As a major source of resource consumption and environmental pollution, the foundry industry has encountered unprecedented challenges. Therefore, as a new enterprise organization, management and operation mode for the sustainable development of the modern foundry industry, green casting has been valued and implemented by more and more enterprises.

Dalian casting, automobile elevator car size | elevator car | Taiyuan haoliangjie stainless steel, main process of wires and cables: wires and cables are made through three processes: drawing, twisting and coating. The more complex the type * specification, the higher the repeatability. When using the film covered bag, it can not only make the environment-friendly shopping bag more beautiful, more convenient to clean, but also damp proof. Due to the small size of transition zone, stainless steel precision casting has good mechanical properties when used. Generally, it can meet its fluidity and no bright crystals to a certain extent. The general temperature is 715~740 ℃.

The hot cracking tendency of stainless steel precision casting flat ingot is high, and the temperature of stainless steel precision casting is relatively low, generally 680~735 ℃ stainless steel parts casting. The products obtained by investment casting are precise and complex, close to the rear shape of parts, and can be directly used without or with little processing. It is an advanced process of near net shape formation, and an excellent process technology in the casting industry. It is widely used. It is not only applicable to the casting of various types and alloys, but also produces castings with higher dimensional accuracy and surface quality than other casting methods. Even the complex, high temperature resistant and difficult to process castings that are difficult to be cast by other casting methods can be cast by investment casting.

Dalian casting, meeting the strength and stiffness requirements. It is an important problem to meet the strength of box parts with great stress; But for most cases, the main index to evaluate the performance is stiffness, because the stiffness of the case not only affects the normal operation of the transmission parts, but also affects the working accuracy of the components.

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