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The product level of foundry machinery industry has been greatly improved

Date of issue:2020-04-22 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

The average annual growth of the main economic indicators of the casting machinery industry is more than 30%, higher than the average growth level of the whole machine tool industry. In particular, the profit growth is faster. The average annual profit growth is as high as 46%, while maintaining a high market sales level. In addition, the complete set of resin sand casting equipment can basically meet the domestic market demand, changing the situation that in the past mainly depended on imports;

It has been able to produce a high-level automatic casting production line, which can partially replace the import level, and partially solve the problem that the casting blanks such as car engine cylinder block and cylinder head also need to be imported; High level automatic core making machine, automatic casting cleaning machine, automatic sand processor, large-scale automatic die-casting machine, precision casting equipment and other casting machinery can be basically manufactured in China.

It should be said that during the Tenth Five Year Plan period, the product level of the foundry machinery industry has been greatly improved, laying a good foundation for the further development of China's foundry machinery industry in the future. As a major foundry producer, China has ranked first in the world in terms of total casting output for 9 consecutive years. These castings are widely used in all sectors of the national economy. Dalian casting.

According to statistics, in terms of weight, castings generally account for 30~85% of the total weight of machinery and equipment. For example, in metal cutting machine tools, the weight of castings accounts for 80%, the steel rolling mill accounts for 75~80%, the internal combustion engine accounts for 50%, the drilling equipment accounts for 40~50, and the automobile and tractor accounts for 30~40%. At the same time, due to the increasing development of casting metal materials, process methods and detection means, the internal quality of castings has been continuously improved, and the dimensional accuracy and surface finish have reached a higher level. This makes some castings can be used instead of forgings and weldments;

Some precision castings can also be directly assembled in machinery and equipment without machining. According to the casting conditions, the appropriate hot cutting pouring riser process is selected to ensure that the starting temperature of hot cutting is not lower than 300 ℃. During operation, the gas cutting gun and oxygen blowing pipe adopt vibration cutting. After gas cutting, important parts shall be covered with asbestos cloth or put into furnace for heat treatment. For castings with complex structure and special process measures such as upper crown and axial flow blade, secondary hot cutting is adopted.

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