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Characteristics of Dalian marine components

Date of issue:2022-08-11 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

Before transportation, maintenance of Dalian marine components is necessary, and the storage of marine components is a top priority. It is essential to ensure the normal operation of the ship. Not only do we need to equip the necessary spare parts on board the ship, but we also need a sufficient total to ensure the resolution of unexpected situations. Due to the vast number and diverse variety of spare parts on board ships, it is necessary to standardize the management of spare parts. It is important to have dedicated personnel responsible for this. When spare parts are necessary, they can be quickly and accurately searched for and applied in various aspects.

If fatigue cracks appear on the surface or near the surface of ship parts, they will expand under alternating changes in stress. The expansion of fatigue cracks is divided into two stages. Z first extends towards the internal parts of the ship's machinery parts along the direction of large shear stress (similar to a 45 ° angle within the normal stress direction) at the micro cracks that have already been generated, that is, the cracks at the fatigue source. The depth of expansion is relatively shallow, and the rate of expansion is not significant. It is a part of crack propagation.

Characteristics of Dalian marine components

1. The production and manufacturing of marine accessories is a continuation of ship manufacturing for ships. Due to the fact that the ship carries many spare parts after being drained from the original factory, in addition to all normal wear and tear, there are also accidents and other reasons that cause damage to the parts on the ship. This requires immediate replacement to prevent common faults and risks during sailing.

2. The production and manufacturing of ship accessories must have a high level of craftsmanship and manufacturing. The manufacturing regulations for ship accessories are all very high, with higher requirements for the hardware and mechanical level of spare parts. If all ships are traveling in the endless ocean or river, relative to land transportation, they have the necessary risk index values. Therefore, there are strict production and manufacturing regulations for every mechanical equipment and component to ensure the normal operation of the ship.

The vertical promotion should further enhance the working capacity of ship supporting facilities, and the market sales of ship products can enter high-tech and cost-effective industries, which can also improve the technical and manufacturing capabilities of key Chinese machinery and equipment manufacturers. At present, there is a significant difference in the basic technology of China's shipbuilding industry compared to overseas excellent China. It is necessary to gradually improve the technical and product research and development capabilities with independent patent rights through government assistance, technology introduction, technical cooperation, and technology transfer and integration.

The temperature of marine bearings can usually be inferred based on the external temperature of the bearing seat. However, using oil holes to directly measure the temperature of the bearing outer ring is more accurate. The bearing temperature gradually increases from operation, usually stabilizing after 1-2 hours. If the bearings are not installed properly, the temperature will rise sharply and abnormal high temperatures will be found. The reasons include excessive lubricant, small bearing clearance, poor installation, and excessive friction of the sealing device.


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