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What are the main power devices in Dalian marine components

Date of issue:2022-11-15 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

The production and manufacturing of Dalian marine components must have a high level of craftsmanship and production manufacturing. The manufacturing regulations for ship accessories are all very high, with higher requirements for the hardware and mechanical level of spare parts. If all ships are traveling in the endless ocean or river, relative to land transportation, they have the necessary risk index values. Therefore, there are strict production and manufacturing regulations for every mechanical equipment and component to ensure the normal operation of the ship.

Ships need to be equipped with a complete set of power plants and auxiliary equipment that meet the requirements of regulations in order to navigate on water. These power devices include ship active devices, auxiliary power devices, steam boilers, refrigeration and air conditioning devices, compressed air devices, marine pumps and piping systems, water generation devices, and automation systems. This type of electromechanical equipment is mainly concentrated in the engine room, and the technical department specifically managing these equipment is the engine department.

What are the main power devices in Dalian marine components

(1) Ship's main engine.

A general term for engines that can generate propulsion for ships, including various pumps, heat exchangers, and piping systems that serve the main engine. Nowadays, the main engine of commercial ships is marine diesel engines, followed by steam turbines.

(2) Transmission device.

The equipment that transfers the power of the main engine to the thruster not only transmits power, but also plays a role in deceleration and shock absorption. Ships can use transmission equipment to change the direction of rotation of the thruster. The transmission equipment varies slightly depending on the type of host, generally consisting of reducers, clutches, couplings, thrust bearings, ship shafts, etc.

(3) Shaft and thruster.

In ship propellers, propellers are widely used, often using fixed or adjustable pitch propellers; The ship shaft system is a device that transmits the power emitted by the main engine to the propeller. The main engine of the ship drives the propeller to rotate and generate thrust through the transmission device and shaft system, overcoming the resistance of the hull and causing the ship to move forward or backward.

The reason why the anchor piles are called 'mooring piles' or' belt anchor piles' is because the ropes used for ships are tied to these anchor piles to fix the direction of the ship. They are usually installed on the deck or dock, and the weight of the selected anchor piles varies greatly depending on the location. Generally, the existing formats on the market include single and double cross anchor piles, vertical anchor piles, sheep horn anchor piles, and so on, In fact, what Z is concerned about for ship accessories is still the base of the cable pile, and what is the diameter of the cable.

If fatigue cracks appear on the surface or near the surface of ship parts, they will expand under alternating changes in stress. The expansion of fatigue cracks is divided into two stages. Z first extends towards the internal parts of the ship's machinery parts along the direction of large shear stress (similar to a 45 ° angle within the normal stress direction) at the micro cracks that have already been generated, that is, the cracks at the fatigue source. The depth of expansion is relatively shallow, and the rate of expansion is not significant. It is a part of crack propagation. Then the direction of crack propagation is changed, and the crack propagates vertically along the normal stress direction, which is the second stage of crack propagation.


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