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What are the functions of Dalian motor casing

Date of issue:2023-02-16 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

Small Dalian motor casings are commonly used in various manufacturing industries such as instrument panels, automation technology, instrument equipment, smart cards, electronic devices, controllers, industrial production controls, instrument panels, and high-precision mechanical equipment. In instrument equipment and instrument panels, they belong to idealized casings. The key to solving the surface problem of small motor shells is the use of electrostatic induction paint.

When the motor rotates, the wind pressure generated by the fan forces the air to flow and blow towards the heat dissipation surface, greatly improving the heat dissipation capacity of the motor. Self cooling fans are divided into internal self cooling and external self cooling according to the condition of the fan. The internal self cooling type is suitable for open motors. The internal fan is installed on the rotating shaft inside the end cover. The fan rotates with the rotor, blowing external cooling air into the machine, into the surface of the armature, and through axial and radial ventilation slots. Enclosed motors are suitable for external self cooling types. In addition to the internal fan, the motor is also equipped with an external fan, which is located on the outer shaft of the end cover.

What are the functions of Dalian motor casing

There are many functions of motor casing, but the job responsibility is to maintain the dryness of the casing. In practice, let's listen to the detailed introduction of the motor casing manufacturer. At the beginning of the inspection of mechanical equipment, such as the inspection of the rotating shaft, it is a soft front motor shell; Rolling bearings should be lubricated as much as possible; The cooling fan and air guide cover should not collide, and the motor base should have a fixed interest rate. Subsequently, the power circuit needs to be inspected and the wires of the motor checked to see if they are connected. Electric motors operate for a very long time and can be disassembled for maintenance. In natural environments, the motor should be kept dry, the surface of the motor should be kept clean, and the air inlet should not be harmed by obstacles such as dust and chemical fibers.

Do not ignore the phenomenon of the motor casing being charged. Many people do not care about the phenomenon of electric motor casing being charged and the mixing of static electricity in dry environments. These are actually two concepts. If the electric motor casing is lightly charged, it will bring a fragile feeling to our body, and in severe cases, it can pose a threat to our lives. Therefore, when encountering the phenomenon of electric motor casing being charged, we should carefully examine the root cause of the problem, strive to solve the problem, and not ignore it.

At present, motor casings are widely used in some industrial equipment because they have many advantages. It uses stainless steel material, so the practical function of this shell is very powerful. Stainless steel itself has excellent hardness, toughness, and impact resistance. It can bring good security protection functions.


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