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How to conduct damage detection and repair on Dalian castings?

Date of issue:2023-09-11 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

Dalian casting, as a common metal processing process, has a wide range of applications. Casting parts are widely used in fields such as machinery, construction, and aviation, where molten metal is injected into molds and cooled and solidified to form the desired shape. However, strict control of process parameters is required during the manufacturing process of castings to ensure the quality of the castings. By continuously improving processes and technologies, the manufacturing technology of castings will continue to improve, providing better support for the development of various industries.

Quality control is a crucial part of the casting production process. During the casting process, it is necessary to strictly control parameters such as material, mold, pouring temperature, cooling rate, etc. to ensure the quality of the castings. For example, in the smelting process, it is necessary to control the temperature and composition of the molten metal to avoid quality issues such as oxidation and slag inclusion. During the pouring process, it is necessary to control the pouring speed and pressure to avoid defects such as uneven cooling, porosity, and shrinkage. At the same time, non-destructive testing and mechanical performance testing are also required to ensure that the strength, hardness, and wear resistance of the casting meet the requirements.

How to conduct damage detection and repair on Dalian castings?

Damage detection refers to the process of detecting and evaluating the extent of damage, defects, or deterioration in a casting. The purpose of damage detection is to prevent early detection of casting issues, provide a reasonable basis for maintenance, and ensure safe and reliable use.

There are many methods for damage detection, including visual inspection, non-destructive testing, and destructive testing. Visual inspection is a simple and commonly used method, which uses human eyes to inspect the appearance of castings and discover obvious cracks, damages, deformations, etc. Non destructive testing refers to the method of testing castings without causing any physical damage. Common non-destructive testing methods include ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, etc. Destructive testing refers to targeted damage to casting components, which is usually applied to special situations through detection and analysis after damage.

Ultrasonic testing is one of the common and widely used non-destructive testing methods. It discovers internal defects and problems in castings by observing the speed, attenuation, and reflection of ultrasonic waves propagating within the object. Ultrasonic testing can be either handheld or automated. This method can not only detect internal cracks, pores, and other issues in castings, but also evaluate their size and severity.

The manufacturing process of castings mainly includes mold manufacturing, melting, casting, cooling and solidification, and mold removal. Firstly, mold manufacturing involves making suitable molds according to the design requirements of the parts, including core boxes, templates, core blocks, and other parts; Next is the smelting process, which heats the selected metal material to the melting point to form molten metal liquid; Then it is casting, injecting molten metal into the mold and filling it to the desired shape; Subsequently, it is cooled and solidified, and after the metal liquid cools and solidifies, the solidified casting is obtained; Afterwards, the mold is removed, and the solidified casting is removed from the mold, followed by subsequent processes such as grinding and cleaning.


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