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What are the quality inspection and control methods for Dalian castings?

Date of issue:2023-10-23 00:00 Source:http://www.zbxsjx.com Click:

The manufacturing process of Dalian castings includes mold making, melting, casting, and post-processing. Make corresponding molds according to the shape and size requirements of the parts. Moulds can be divided into sand mold, metal mold, ceramic mold, and other types based on different materials, among which sand mold is a common type. Next, according to the required component materials, suitable metals or alloys are melted into a liquid state, and the quality of the metal liquid is ensured through slag treatment and temperature control. Then, pour the melted metal liquid into the mold and wait for it to cool and solidify before removing the parts. Carry out post treatment processes such as cleaning, trimming, heat treatment, and machining on castings to meet usage requirements.

With the continuous progress of technology and the development of manufacturing industry, casting technology is also constantly improving and innovating to improve the quality and efficiency of castings. For example, using computer-aided design and simulation technology can optimize the structure and process of castings, reducing the occurrence of defects. At the same time, introducing new materials and alloys can improve the strength and wear resistance of castings, making them more adaptable to complex and harsh working environments.

What are the quality inspection and control methods for Dalian castings?

Physical and chemical performance testing: The physical and chemical properties of castings refer to the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of materials. Common physical and chemical performance tests include tensile test, impact test, hardness test, metallographic analysis, chemical composition analysis, etc. These tests can directly evaluate the material quality of castings and whether they meet design requirements.

Dimensional measurement: Dimensional measurement is the measurement and evaluation of the geometric shape of a casting. Common size measurement methods include direct measurement using tools such as micrometers and calipers, as well as precise three-dimensional size measurement using a coordinate measuring machine. These measurements can evaluate whether the geometric shape of the casting meets the design requirements.

Surface quality inspection: Surface quality refers to the smoothness, flatness, surface defects, etc. of the outer surface of the casting. Common surface quality inspection methods include visual inspection, touch inspection, optical microscope inspection, camera inspection, etc. In addition, tools such as surface roughness meters and microhardness meters can also be used for quantitative evaluation.

Non destructive testing: Non destructive testing refers to the use of ultrasonic, radiographic, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, and other methods to detect internal defects in castings without damaging them. Common non-destructive testing methods include ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant testing, etc. These methods can effectively detect and evaluate internal defects in castings, such as pores, inclusions, cracks, etc.

According to different casting materials, castings can be divided into three categories: cast iron, steel, and aluminum castings. Cast iron parts refer to parts made from iron as the main material through the casting process. Iron castings have the characteristics of strong resistance to pressure and impact loads. Steel castings refer to parts made from steel as the main material through casting processes. Steel castings have the characteristics of high strength and good wear resistance. Aluminum castings refer to parts made from aluminum as the main material through the casting process. Aluminum castings have the characteristics of light weight and good thermal conductivity.


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