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Dalian casting

  • Category:Castings

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Dalian casting has the advantages of simple operation, low material consumption cost, smooth surface, high dimensional accuracy and less environmental pollution. It has been vigorously promoted and applied in China in the late 1990s, especially in cast iron, such as the application in box and shell gray iron. However, there is not much successful experience in the application of EPC to steel castings, especially in low carbon steel. The main reason is that EPC steel castings are easy to produce carburized chemical composition deviation defects. Heat treatment can eliminate as cast white spots, obtain expected microstructure and mechanical properties and improve machinability. At present, FPM castings are generally produced by annealing process. Including D-type graphite gray cast iron and fine ductile iron, the matrix is ferrite. It can also adopt normalizing, annealing or isothermal quenching processes to obtain different substrates. The painting should not be completed at one time. Because the painting is very thick, the paint is easy to crack, so two to three layers should be applied. The overall thickness of the coating should be controlled at about 1mm.

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