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Dalian casting

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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For the parts to be cast, it is necessary to check whether its structure meets the basic requirements of the casting process. Sometimes, small changes are made to the structure of the casting, which does not affect the service performance of the casting, but greatly simplifies the casting process and is conducive to improving the quality of the casting. In casting production, the basic requirements for casting structure are as follows: the wall thickness of the casting shall be greater than the minimum allowable wall thickness of the casting to avoid defects such as insufficient pouring. It should be noted that the important nominal parameter of this die-casting die forging machine is not the clamping force, but the die forging feeding force, which is equivalent to the significance of the forging pressure of the four column hydraulic press, which we must pay full attention to when selecting equipment. Otherwise, if you buy a die-casting die forging equipment with a large die locking force but a small die forging feeding force, its use value will be greatly reduced.

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