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本溪Dalian motor housing

  • Category:本溪Motor housing

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Dalian motor shell features precise tolerance, no leakage, compactness, wear resistance, etc., so that it can well protect the motor and prevent all kinds of pollution.

1. Precision tolerance

Since the internal components will release a great function, it will convert electric power into mechanical rotary motion and involve magnetic field. The output motion and input power should be maintained very accurately, so every position of the component needs to be well positioned. The clearance between rotor, bearing, stator, air gap, winding and commutator shall be as small as possible.

2. Wear resistance

When the motor is working, all the main parts that transmit power need to rotate upward, which forces the relevant support of the part to contact the inner side of the shell with mechanical power. The contact surface is easily worn due to long-time operation. However, the surface of aluminum alloy is very smooth and the roughness is very small, which can significantly reduce the conflict between contact surfaces and prolong the service life.

3. Good air tightness

There are two aspects to consider about no leakage. One is about the bubbles inside the motor housing. In this case, it should be a strict standard. Second, the clearance after assembly should be very small to avoid any lubricating oil flowing out of the sealed cylinder block.

4. Compact

The main purpose of using the motor is to obtain continuous and stable mechanical motion. In order to make the whole motor run stably, the compact housing is not to be missed, and aluminum is the ideal choice for the industry. Die casting solutions are cost-effective for mass production of conventional requirements.

Relevant labels:Motorhousing

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Dalian wanderrui Import & Export Co., Ltd版權所有  Specializing in大連鑄造件,大連船用零部件,大連電機殼  遼ICP備16001801號
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