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大連Robot parts

  • Category:大連Robot parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Robot parts in the four major processes of automobile and the production of key parts, due to the danger of the production environment and the complexity of the process, the participation of industrial robots has greatly improved the production safety and work efficiency. In this paper, the application of FANUC's multi-functional intelligent robot in the automobile parts welding line shows the important role of modern robot system in the flexible production system. The core driving force of China's industrial robot market demand mainly includes three aspects: first, the aging population, rising labor costs, enhanced awareness of work safety, improved quality of life and other factors make domestic enterprises use robots to replace labor; Secondly, the needs of industrial transformation and upgrading, customer customization and cost efficiency release the demand for intelligence and automation; Thirdly, the progress of science and technology has gradually expanded the application of industrial robots in military, fine surgery, dangerous operations and other fields. In these fields, robots can not be covered by ordinary manpower, and robots have an irreplaceable role.

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