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大連Crankshaft connecting rod

  • Category:大連Generator parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Working principle of crankshaft connecting rod mechanism

Working principle: the crankshaft connecting rod mechanism is a transmission mechanism to complete energy conversion, which is used to transfer force and change movement mode.

The crankshaft connecting rod mechanism of Dalian castings is connected with the slide block through the crankshaft, and drives the slide block to move left and right through de rotation, so as to achieve the required purpose.

Composition of crank connecting rod mechanism

The crank connecting rod mechanism is composed of a body group, a crankshaft flywheel group and a piston connecting rod group.

1. body group

The engine block is mainly composed of cylinder head, cylinder head cover, cylinder gasket, cylinder block, main bearing cover, oil pan, etc

2. crankshaft flywheel set (installed on cylinder block)

The crankshaft flywheel set is mainly composed of crankshaft, flywheel, crankshaft pulley, timing gear, etc.

3. piston connecting rod group (installed on Crankshaft)

The piston connecting rod group is mainly composed of piston, piston ring, piston pin, connecting rod, connecting rod bush, side rod bush cover, side rod bolt, etc.

Relevant labels:Castings

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