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  • Category:大連Reducer parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/28
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Dalian casting reducer is generally used for transmission equipment with low speed and high torque. The motor, internal combustion engine or other high-speed power is used to reduce speed by meshing the gear with few teeth on the input shaft with the gear on the output shaft. Ordinary reducer also has several pairs of gears with the same principle to achieve ideal reduction effect. The ratio of the number of teeth of large and small gears is the transmission ratio.

Reducer plays the role of matching speed and transmitting torque between prime mover and working machine or actuator. It is a relatively precise machine. The purpose of using it is to reduce the speed and increase the torque. It has a wide variety, different models and different uses. There are many kinds of reducers, which can be divided into gear reducers, worm reducers and planetary gear reducers according to the transmission type; According to different transmission stages, it can be divided into single-stage and multi-stage reducers; According to the gear shape, it can be divided into cylindrical gear reducer, conical gear reducer and conical cylindrical gear reducer; According to the arrangement of transmission, it can be divided into deployable reducer, shunt reducer and coaxial reducer.


1. Reduce the speed and increase the output torque at the same time. The torque output ratio shall be multiplied by the motor output by the reduction ratio, but pay attention not to exceed the rated torque of the reducer.

2. Deceleration also reduces the inertia of the load, which is the square of the reduction ratio.

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Dalian wanderrui Import & Export Co., Ltd版權所有  Specializing in大連鑄造件,大連船用零部件,大連電機殼  遼ICP備16001801號
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