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丹東Dalian motor housing

  • Category:丹東Motor housing

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Dalian motor shell stamping is a high productivity processing method. For example, large parts such as automobile body can produce several pieces per minute, while high-speed stamping of small parts can produce thousands of pieces per minute! The material utilization rate is also high, generally up to 70%~85%, and the energy consumption of stamping processing is also low. Due to these two characteristics, when the stamping parts are produced in batch, the cost is relatively low and the economic benefit is high. It can be considered that the shape of the part belongs to stepped part, the processing times are troublesome and numerous, the processing difficulty is general, and the drawing process is good. However, the fillet is smaller, so it is necessary to adopt higher die manufacturing accuracy and smaller die clearance during the last deep drawing, and arrange shaping processing to complete it. Use a 500V megger to measure the insulation resistance between the motor winding and the housing, which shall not be less than 0.5 megohm; Use a multimeter to measure each lead of the winding, and there is no broken wire; The above all meet the requirements, and the motor is good.

Relevant labels:Motorhousing

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