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丹東Motor cover

  • Category:丹東Motor housing

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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The cover is a back cover installed behind the motor and other casings, commonly known as the "end cover". According to the research and consultation report on the operation mode of the Internet + end cover processing machine tool industry from 2015 to 2020

The cover is mainly composed of cover body, bearing and brush blade.

Whether the cover of Dalian motor case is good or bad will directly affect the quality of the motor. Therefore, we first need to understand what is the standard for the quality of an end cap. A good end cover mainly comes from its heart - brush blade. Its function is to drive the rotor to rotate. This part is the key part. How can we measure its quality? It mainly has the following standards:

1. Not high.

2. Not low.

3. Not short.

4. No cross.

5. No bending.

6. Do not bend.

Relevant labels:Motorhousing

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