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撫順Motor housing

  • Category:撫順Motor housing

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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There are two groups of machined surfaces on the motor housing, and there are certain position requirements between them. Considering that the force on the motor housing is relatively single and balanced, and good seismic resistance is required, HT200 is selected as the blank material and machine sand casting is used. 65-0.1/-0.4mm below the center of the circle, there is a base with a support thickness of 8mm and a length of 100mm, which is retracted by 5mm from the end face of the part. There are four ? 8 鍯 holes ? 12m uniformly distributed to fix the motor. There are 6 rib plates with width of 12mm and height of 6mm uniformly distributed in the inner circle of the part ? 114mm. Before disassembling the motor, check the motor winding with a multimeter to check whether there is a short circuit between phases and whether the copper wire is insulated from the motor shell. Then use a megger to test whether the ground insulation and phase insulation resistance of the motor meet the requirements. Finally, connect the power supply for trial operation.

Relevant labels:Motorhousing

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