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撫順Dalian motor housing

  • Category:撫順Motor housing

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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If the carrier frequency of Dalian motor housing is adjusted too high, it will cause interference to other equipment, especially when PLC communication mode is adopted. Therefore, the carrier frequency should be set according to the actual situation on site. In cold stamping production, in order to meet the needs of different stamping work, it is necessary to use various types of presses. There are many types of presses, which can be divided into mechanical presses and hydraulic presses according to different transmission modes. Mechanical press is widely used in cold stamping. It can be considered that the shape of the part belongs to stepped part, the processing times are troublesome and numerous, the processing difficulty is general, and the drawing process is good. However, the fillet is smaller, so it is necessary to adopt higher die manufacturing accuracy and smaller die clearance during the last deep drawing, and arrange shaping processing to complete it.

Relevant labels:Motorhousing

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