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撫順Reducer planet carrier

  • Category:撫順Reducer parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/28
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The planet carrier is one of the main components of the planetary gear transmission device, and the planet axle or bearing is installed on the planet carrier.

When the planetary gear is used as a basic component, it is a part of the mechanism that bears a large external force moment. The structure design and manufacture of planetary gears have a great impact on the load distribution between planetary gears and the load-bearing capacity, noise and vibration of transmission devices.

Dalian casting planet carrier is one of the main components of planetary gear transmission, and it is a part with complex structure. The reasonable structure of planet carrier should be light weight, good rigidity, and easy to process and assemble. There are three common structural forms: integral double-sided plate, separate double-sided plate and single-sided plate.

The structural form of the planet carrier largely depends on the use function, the method of manufacturing the planet carrier and the assembly conditions of the planet gear reducer. The reasonable planet carrier structure should be small in overall dimension and light in weight, which can ensure the uniform distribution of load between planet gears and the uniform distribution of load along the meshing tooth width, and have good processing and assembly technology, so that the planet gear transmission has high bearing capacity and small vibration and noise.

Relevant labels:Craneparts

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