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阜新Dalian marine parts

  • Category:阜新Marine parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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The working environment temperature of Dalian marine parts is -20 ~ 45 ℃. The reducer is lubricated with oil. The lubricating oil temperature is not higher than 80 ℃, and the bearing temperature is not higher than 85 ℃. Visually check the vibration and impact of the reducer during operation. If the marine cable can be correctly selected from the beginning, many problems caused by cable failure can be avoided. Indeed, it is very simple to match the correct temperature range and rely on the PVC jacket to achieve the protection function. However, there are far more issues to consider. Before selecting a perfectly matched cable, engineers have to consider many details, such as how the cable will work when used in extreme temperatures, determining the types of chemicals that may be exposed, understanding the difference between flexibility and bending performance, and grading ultraviolet radiation and EMI / RFI interference. Another example is the nuclear power plant cable, which is mainly distributed in the nuclear island, conventional island and BOP of the nuclear power plant, and is used for power transmission, control, computer, etc. the type of cable required by a nuclear power plant is basically the same as that of a thermal power plant.

Relevant labels:Marineparts

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