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阜新Crane wheel

  • Category:阜新Crane parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/28
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Crane active and passive wheels are a classification of forgings, which are mainly used in portal cranes - port cranes - bridge cranes - mining machinery, etc. Also known as crown block wheels, crane wheels, port machinery wheels, wheel forgings, wheel forgings, forged steel wheels, etc.

Materials of common wheel Forgings: 60#, 65Mn, 42CrMo.

The active and passive wheels of Dalian casting crane are easy to be damaged. According to the service characteristics of the traveling crane, the wheel tread is required to have a high hardness, and a certain hardening layer depth and transition layer (depth >10mm, hardness hrc40-48) to improve the bearing capacity, wear resistance and contact fatigue resistance. At the same time, it is required that the matrix structure should have good comprehensive mechanical properties and good organizational state, and the hardness should reach hbs187~229, so that it has high toughness and improves the impact resistance and cracking resistance.

Relevant labels:Craneparts

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