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遼陽Marine parts

  • Category:遼陽Marine parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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The requirements for dynamic balance test of circulating pump rotor, reducer rotor and steam turbine rotor have been increased or increased for marine parts. The original pump design requires only the static balance test for the working wheel on the rotor of the circulating pump, but not the dynamic and static balance test for the rotor. After the improved design, not only the static balance test for the working wheel but also the static and dynamic balance test for the whole rotor of the circulating pump are required. The test results show that the unbalance of the circulating pump rotor is large, which will cause large and unnecessary vibration of the unit. Although some large-scale enterprises' foundries have imported some advanced equipment such as CNC machine tools and profiling milling, in addition to the expensive equipment, the mold processing cycle is also very long, and the programming of machine tools is also very difficult due to the lack of good software system support. In the face of today's competition in the world economic market, the upgrading of products is accelerating day by day. The current situation of casting mold processing is difficult to adapt to the current situation. The emergence of rapid prototyping manufacturing technology provides a promising new way to solve this problem.

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Dalian wanderrui Import & Export Co., Ltd版權所有  Specializing in大連鑄造件,大連船用零部件,大連電機殼  遼ICP備16001801號
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