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沈陽Dalian generator parts

  • Category:沈陽Generator parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Dalian generator parts can be fixed on the foundation for positioning, and can also be installed on the trailer for mobile use. The diesel generator set is a non continuous operation power generation equipment. If the continuous operation exceeds 12h, its output power will be about 90% lower than the rated power. Although the power of diesel generator set is low, it is widely used in mines, railways, field sites, road traffic maintenance, factories, enterprises, hospitals and other departments as backup power source or temporary power supply because of its small size, flexibility, portability, complete supporting facilities and easy operation and maintenance. Look at the rotor blade and move to the root of the blade until you reach the center of the rotor. You will find that the wind enters from a very steep angle (much steeper than the usual wind direction on the ground). If the blades are struck from a particularly steep angle, the rotor blades will stop running. Therefore, the rotor blade needs to be designed into a spiral shape to ensure that the blade edge behind the blade is pushed away along the wind direction on the ground.

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