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  • Category:沈陽Castings

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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In terms of structure, the inner cavity and shape of casting parts are formed in one time by casting method, so that they are close to the final shape of parts, and the processing and assembly processes are minimized; In terms of dimensional accuracy and surface quality, make the casting close to the final requirements of the product, and achieve yuan allowance or small allowance; On the other hand, the retained original casting surface is beneficial to maintain the superior performance of corrosion and fatigue resistance of castings, so as to improve the service life of products. It is the future direction to improve the dimensional accuracy and reduce the surface roughness of castings and promote the development of near net shape casting technology. Castings and special squeeze casting are new casting technologies. Compared with ordinary die casting, vacuum pressure casting increases the vacuum pumping operation, which can extract the gas in the mold cavity. The molten metal fills the mold cavity in the vacuum state, reducing the involved gas. The castings can be heat treated, and the mechanical properties are higher than ordinary die castings. In order to carry out the research on aluminum alloy body in China, it is necessary to master these two casting technologies.

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