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營口Machine tool parts

  • Category:營口Machine tool parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Parts and components of machine tool parts after machining shall be washed or brushed with metal cleaner or clean industrial gasoline before painting, and the oil stain and other dirt on the surface shall be completely removed. The primer shall be brushed, sprayed and dipped evenly. The primer must be fully stirred and diluted to an appropriate viscosity before use. Because there are many balls rolling between the screw shaft and the screw nut of the ball screw pair, a higher motion efficiency can be obtained. Compared with the past sliding screw pair, the driving torque is less than 1/3, that is, the power required to achieve the same movement result is 1/3 of that of the rolling screw pair. It is very helpful in saving electricity.

Relevant labels:Machinetoolparts


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