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營口Crane frame

  • Category:營口Crane parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/29
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Crane refers to a multi action lifting machine that can vertically lift and horizontally carry heavy objects within a certain range. Also known as crown block, aerial crane and crane.

The main features of the tire crane are: its traveling cab and lifting control room are integrated into one, which is evolved from the crawler crane (crawler crane), and turns the crawler and traveling support of the traveling mechanism into a chassis with tires, which overcomes the defect that the crawler shoes of the crawler crane (crawler crane) cause damage to the road surface. It belongs to the material handling machinery.

Overhead crane is a kind of lifting equipment which is horizontally erected over workshops, warehouses and stockyards for material hoisting. Because its two ends are located on tall concrete columns or metal supports, it looks like a bridge. The bridge of the bridge crane runs longitudinally along the track laid on the elevated on both sides, which can make full use of the space under the bridge to lift materials without being hindered by ground equipment. It is a kind of hoisting machinery with wide application range and large quantity. Dalian casting

Some working characteristics of hoisting equipment are intermittent movement, that is, the corresponding mechanisms of picking, moving, unloading and other actions in a working cycle work alternately. Cranes are more and more widely used in the market. Some accidents often occur when lifting and traveling without outriggers, and the traveling speed is faster than that of crawler crane (crawler crane); The operation is stable, the lifting capacity is large, and the crane can walk within a specific range, but it must ensure that the road is flat and solid, the tire pressure meets the requirements, and the lifting distance from the ground shall not exceed 50cm; Long distance walking with load is prohibited. In order to ensure operation safety, lifting without outriggers is basically prohibited in China. The varieties of steel wire rope used for the crane include phosphate coated steel wire rope, galvanized steel wire rope and smooth steel wire rope.

Relevant labels:Craneparts

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