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營口Motor stator

  • Category:營口Motor parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/28
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The motor stator is the stationary part of the motor. The stator is composed of stator core, stator winding and base.

The main function of the stator is to generate rotating magnetic field, while the main function of the rotor is to be cut by magnetic lines of force in the rotating magnetic field to generate (output) current.

Motor stator is an important part of generator and starter. Stator is an important part of motor. The stator is composed of stator core, stator winding and base. The main function of the stator is to generate rotating magnetic field, while the main function of the rotor is to be cut by magnetic lines of force in the rotating magnetic field to generate (output) current. Dalian motor housing


According to the type of production process, it can be divided into: wound stator, three piece stator and whole piece stator.

According to the working type of motor: synchronous motor stator, asynchronous motor stator.

According to motor type: generator stator, starter stator.

Relevant labels:Motorhousing

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