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營(yíng)口Reducer gearbox

  • Category:營(yíng)口Reducer parts

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/28
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Dalian casting gear box is also known as reducer. Its main structure is composed of multiple driving meshing gear sets, which are used in reducer; Gear boxes are divided into planetary gear boxes, cylindrical gear boxes, spur gear boxes, parallel gear boxes, helical gear boxes, bevel gear boxes, worm gear boxes, etc. according to their use and gear structure, and are divided into plastic gear boxes and metal gear boxes according to their materials; For example, the planetary gear box is adopted due to its accuracy, long service life, small volume, driving efficiency, wide deceleration range and other characteristics. The structure of the planetary gear box is composed of planetary gear, sun gear, internal gear ring, drive shaft, washer and box.

Reducer includes gear box, which is divided into high-power reducer and low-power reducer according to power; High power reducers are used in ship, locomotive, transportation, wharf, hoisting, construction, mining, steel, non-ferrous metal, heavy manufacturing and other industries; Low power reducers are used in smart home, household appliances, communication antennas, electronic products, camera and aerial photography equipment, security field, automobile drivers, driving systems, robot equipment, logistics and storage equipment, smart home, smart city, artificial intelligence and other fields.

Relevant labels:減速機(jī)齒輪箱哪家好,減速機(jī)齒輪箱報(bào)價(jià),減速機(jī)齒輪箱多少錢

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Dalian wanderrui Import & Export Co., Ltd版權(quán)所有  Specializing in大連鑄造件,大連船用零部件,大連電機(jī)殼  遼ICP備16001801號(hào)
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